Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Container Definition

Container can hold data at run time. Container has to be defined to describe which data, of which type and under which ID.

Container is

  • Table like data structure.
  • Used for field values and object references
  • Only contain control information for the workflow system. 
  • Do not contain Application business data. 

Container types in Workflow.

  1. Method container
  2. Event container
  3. Rule container
  4. Task container(Work Item Container)
  5. Workflow container

Data Binding in Workflow.

  1.  Definition time: Definition of data modelling and assignment rules which are implemented at run time
    • Transferring data in one container to another container.
    • Assigning(initial) values to some container elements.
  2. Run Time: Binding definition is executed at runtime
    • Data is moved to from container to another container.

Possible Binding directions in workflow.  


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