Wednesday, December 22, 2010
When we call smartform function module, NO_OPEN and NO_CLOSE fields of SSFCTRLOP(Smart Forms: Control structure) structure need to be manipulated to display multiple records in Smart forms.
REPORT ztest_smartform. DATA:it_nfal TYPE nfal OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:it_nfal_final TYPE nfal OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam. DATA:wa_control_par TYPE ssfctrlop. DATA:output_options TYPE ssfcompop. DATA:flag TYPE c. DATA:no_of_records TYPE i. "START-OF-SELECTION. START-OF-SELECTION. "select data SELECT * FROM nfal INTO TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'CGH'. SELECT * FROM nfal APPENDING TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'SGH'. SELECT * FROM nfal APPENDING TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'KKH'. SORT it_nfal BY einri. DESCRIBE TABLE it_nfal LINES no_of_records. LOOP AT it_nfal. AT FIRST. "Get Function module name for given smartform CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' EXPORTING formname = 'ZTEST_SMARTFORM' IMPORTING fm_name = fm_name. ENDAT. IF sy-tabix = no_of_records. flag = 'Y'. ENDIF. APPEND it_nfal TO it_nfal_final. AT END OF einri. "Set Control parameters IF flag = space. "Set the below one before we call smartform for the first time. wa_control_par-no_open = space. wa_control_par-no_close = 'X'. flag = 'X'. ELSEIF flag = 'X'. "Set the below one for remaining calls to smartform wa_control_par-no_open = 'X'. wa_control_par-no_close = 'X'. ELSEIF flag = 'Y'. "Set the below one for last call to smartform. wa_control_par-no_open = 'X'. wa_control_par-no_close = space. ENDIF. "Call Smartform function module. CALL FUNCTION fm_name EXPORTING control_parameters = wa_control_par TABLES it_nfal = it_nfal_final. ENDAT. ENDLOOP.
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