Wednesday, December 22, 2010
REPORT ztest_smartform. DATA:it_nfal TYPE nfal OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:it_nfal_final TYPE nfal OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam. DATA:wa_control_par TYPE ssfctrlop. DATA:wa_output_options TYPE ssfcompop. DATA:flag TYPE c. DATA:no_of_records TYPE i. DATA:it_otf_data TYPE ssfcrescl. DATA:it_otf_final TYPE itcoo OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:bin_filesize TYPE i. DATA:it_pdfdata TYPE TABLE OF tline. DATA:it_pdf TYPE TABLE OF solisti1. DATA :g_sent_to_all TYPE sonv-flag. DATA :g_tab_lines TYPE i. DATA :i_document_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sodocchgi1, i_packing_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sopcklsti1, i_attachment TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1, i_body_msg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1, i_receivers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF somlreci1, i_pdf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline, w_document_data LIKE LINE OF i_document_data, w_packing_list LIKE LINE OF i_packing_list, w_attachment LIKE LINE OF i_attachment, w_body_msg LIKE LINE OF i_body_msg, w_receivers LIKE LINE OF i_receivers, w_pdf LIKE LINE OF i_pdf. START-OF-SELECTION. "select data SELECT * FROM nfal INTO TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'CGH'. SELECT * FROM nfal APPENDING TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'SGH'. SELECT * FROM nfal APPENDING TABLE it_nfal UP TO 10 ROWS WHERE einri = 'KKH'. SORT it_nfal BY einri. DESCRIBE TABLE it_nfal LINES no_of_records. "This loop prints the data LOOP AT it_nfal. AT FIRST. "Get Function module name for given smartform CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' EXPORTING formname = 'ZTEST_SMARTFORM' IMPORTING fm_name = fm_name. ENDAT. APPEND it_nfal TO it_nfal_final. AT END OF einri. wa_control_par-no_dialog = 'X'. "It supresses the Printer dialog. wa_output_options-tddest = 'LOCL'."Set printer "Call Smartform function module. CALL FUNCTION fm_name EXPORTING control_parameters = wa_control_par output_options = wa_output_options TABLES it_nfal = it_nfal_final. CLEAR it_nfal_final[]. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. CLEAR :wa_control_par,wa_output_options. "This loop converts otf data to pdf and sends mail LOOP AT it_nfal. AT FIRST. "Get Function module name for given smartform CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' EXPORTING formname = 'ZTEST_SMARTFORM' IMPORTING fm_name = fm_name. ENDAT. APPEND it_nfal TO it_nfal_final. AT END OF einri. wa_control_par-getotf = 'X'. "Set this to get OTF data wa_control_par-no_dialog = 'X'. "It supresses the Printer dialog. wa_output_options-tddest = 'LOCL'."Set printer "Call Smartform function module. CALL FUNCTION fm_name EXPORTING control_parameters = wa_control_par output_options = wa_output_options IMPORTING job_output_info = it_otf_data TABLES it_nfal = it_nfal_final. "Getting OTF data APPEND LINES OF it_otf_data-otfdata[] TO it_otf_final[]. CLEAR it_nfal_final[]. ENDAT. AT LAST. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF' EXPORTING format = 'PDF' IMPORTING bin_filesize = bin_filesize TABLES otf = it_otf_final lines = it_pdfdata[]. CALL FUNCTION 'SX_TABLE_LINE_WIDTH_CHANGE' EXPORTING line_width_dst = '255' TABLES content_in = it_pdfdata[] content_out = it_pdf[]. IF sy-subrc = 0. "Send mail PERFORM send_mail. ENDIF. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SEND_MAIL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM send_mail . "Subject of the mail. w_document_data-obj_name = 'MAIL_TO_HEAD'. w_document_data-obj_descr = 'Regarding Mail Program by SAP ABAP'. "Body of the mail w_body_msg = 'This is body of mail msg.'. APPEND w_body_msg TO i_body_msg. CLEAR w_body_msg. "Write Packing List for Body DESCRIBE TABLE i_body_msg LINES g_tab_lines. w_packing_list-head_start = 1. w_packing_list-head_num = 0. w_packing_list-body_start = 1. w_packing_list-body_num = g_tab_lines. w_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'. APPEND w_packing_list TO i_packing_list. CLEAR w_packing_list. "Write Packing List for Attachment w_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'. w_packing_list-head_start = 1. w_packing_list-head_num = 1. w_packing_list-body_start = 1. DESCRIBE TABLE it_pdf LINES w_packing_list-body_num. w_packing_list-doc_type = 'PDF'. w_packing_list-obj_descr = 'PDF Attachment'. w_packing_list-obj_name = 'PDF_ATTACHMENT'. w_packing_list-doc_size = w_packing_list-body_num * 255. APPEND w_packing_list TO i_packing_list. CLEAR w_packing_list. "Fill the document data and get size of attachment w_document_data-obj_langu = sy-langu. READ TABLE it_pdf INTO w_pdf INDEX g_tab_lines. w_document_data-doc_size = ( g_tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( w_attachment ). "Receivers List. w_receivers-rec_type = 'B'."Internet address w_receivers-receiver = 'IBMVENKAT'. w_receivers-com_type = 'INT'. w_receivers-notif_del = 'X'. w_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'. APPEND w_receivers TO i_receivers . CLEAR:w_receivers. "Function module to send mail to Recipients CALL FUNCTION 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' EXPORTING document_data = w_document_data put_in_outbox = 'X' commit_work = 'X' IMPORTING sent_to_all = g_sent_to_all TABLES packing_list = i_packing_list contents_bin = it_pdf contents_txt = i_body_msg receivers = i_receivers EXCEPTIONS too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 document_type_not_exist = 3 operation_no_authorization = 4 parameter_error = 5 x_error = 6 enqueue_error = 7 OTHERS = 8. IF sy-subrc = 0 . MESSAGE i303(me) WITH 'Mail has been Successfully Sent.'. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SEND_MAIL
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