Sunday, November 23, 2014
Functionality: This function module enables you to maintain master data for employees and applicants. You can transfer one data record. All validation checks take place that would take place in the individual maintenance screens in the dialog. If necessary, the module returns an error message. The error messages are the same as the error messages in the dialog, that is, the individual maintenance screen error messages are transferred rather than interpreted by this module.
If the following three criteria apply to you, you must purchase an additional license from SAP for your SAP Interactive Forms:
  • You create templates for interactive forms.
  • You create your own customer-specific interactive form templates or change an interactive form template delivered by SAP by adding further interactive fields or changing the data binding of existing interactive fields to the back-end.
  • You use interactive forms in a productive system, that is, end users fill in generated PDF forms during business operations.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
You all know that function module F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST is used to display F4 help / Search help for PARAMETERS or SELECT-OPTIONS. But for SELECT-OPTIONS, you may need to enter multiple single values. To avoid multiple times opening F4 help, Use MULTIPLE_CHOICE parameter in the exporting parameters of F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST which will open check box for each record on F4 help.

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