Saturday, May 31, 2014
This is used as LOOP ..ENDLOOP of ABAP . Scenario: Suppose we want to send work-item to 3 level of approvers. We can use loop to execute this functionality.

  • Create a container element as counter which will get incremented with every loop pass.
  • Create a loop with condition set in condition tab.
  • Choose the container element.
  • Assign the True /False branches. For True : Loop willl end and for False : Loop will pass.
  • Initialize the value of counter = 1 in container element.
  • Create the user decision step.
  • Create the container operation step.
  • Increment the counter value by 1.
  • Test the workflow.
  • Check SWIA
  • Check Log SWIA
  • Three times the work-item will be received by user and once the counter value gets incremented to 3 , the loop will end.


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