Friday, July 19, 2013
In my previous posts, I have explained how to display data using ALV in Web Dynpro ABAP and How to handle events like TOP_OF_LIST, END_OF_LIST and ON_CLICK events.
Multiple ALVs on view is similar to concept ALV Control Frame work where you can define custom controls on screen and place ALV Grid controls.
- Create Web Dynpro Component with Window and View(Automatically View is embedded into Window).
- Define Component Usages ALV1, ALV2 and ALV3 for the Used component SALV_WD_TABLE under Used Components tab of Web Dynpro Component.
- Context tab ->Define PA0001, PA0002 and PA0006 context nodes with Cardinality 0..n.
- Go to Methods tab -> Double click on WDDOINIT method and paste the below code
- Go to View(MULTIPLE_ALV_V)
- Layout tab-> Change layout type to MatrixLayout for ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER.
- Insert ViewContainerUIElement(ui_ele_alv1).
- Insert ViewContainerUIElement(ui_ele_alv2) and change Layout to MatrixHeadData.
- Insert ViewContainerUIElement(ui_ele_alv3) and change Layout to MatrixHeadData.
- Go to window(MULTIPLE_ALV_W)->Right click on UI_ELE_ALV1 and embed view->Select the TABLE view/interface view. Repeat the steps for UI_ELE_ALV2 and UI_ELE_ALV3.
- Click on create button and select the component controller of our web dynpro component.
- Click on Context of INTERFACECONTROLLER_USAGE and map PA0001 with data.(Drag PA0001 and drop on DATA). This is external mapping. Repeat the same steps for ALV2 and ALV3 component usages.
- Save the web dynpro component and activate.
- Create Web Dynpro Application.
- Execute the web dynpro application.
Buen día, en el método wddoinit inidicas un código, donde esta?.....