Saturday, July 6, 2013
SAP BI Transaction Codes which are commonly used.
- T.Codes for Data Warehousing Workbench - Modeling
- RSA1 - Administrator Work Bench
- RSA11 - Administrator Work Bench - InfoProvide
- RSA12 - Administrator Work Bench - InfoSources
- RSA13 - Administrator Work Bench - Source Systems
- RSA14 - Administrator Work Bench - InfoObjects
- RSA15 - Administrator Work Bench - DataSources
- T.Codes codes for InfoCubes
- LISTCUBE - List viewer for InfoCubes
- LISTSCHEMA - Show InfoCube schema
- RSDCUBE, RSDCUBED, RSDCUBEM - Start InfoCube editing
- T.Codes for InfoObjects
- RSD5 - Edit InfoObjects
- RSDIOBC, RSDIOBCD, RSDIOBCM - Start InfoObject catalog editing
- T.Codes for DataSources
- RSA2 - Data sources Extractor - (SAP R/3 tcode)
- RSA3 - Data sources Extractor Checker - (SAP R/3 tcode)
- RSA5 - Installation of Data source from Business Content - (SAP R/3 tcode)
- RSA6 - Data Sources & Hierarchy Maintenance - (SAP R/3 tcode)
- RSA7 - Delta Queue in BW side Using Data Marts - (SAP R/3 tcode)
- RSDS - DataSource Repository
- T.Codes for Process Chain
- RSPC - Process Chain Maintenance
- RSPC1 - Process Chain Display
- RSPCM - Monitor daily process chains
- RZ20 - To see log for Process Chains
- Tcodes for BEX Analyzer related
- RRMX - Bex Analyzer
- RSRT - Start of the report monitor
- RSRT1 - Start of the Report Monitor
- RSRTQ - BWT: Query Definition
- RSRTRACE - Set trace configuration
- RSBBS - Maintaining BW Sender-Receiver
- RSRV - Analysis and Repair of BW Objects
- RSDDV - Maintaining Aggregates/BIA Index
- T.Codes for BI/BW Authorization related
- RSECADMIN - Manage Analysis Authorizations
- PFCG - Role Maintenance
- RSSM - Authorizations for Reporting
- BI/BW other important Transaction codes
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