Thursday, March 22, 2012
Steps to achieve functionality
Change the code according to our requirement and make it workable.
Activate Web Dynpro Component
Create Web Dynpro Application and Save it as local object.
- Create Web Dynpro Component with Window and View(Automatically View is embedded into Window).
- Define Component Use OVS_PERNR for the Used component WDR_OVS under Used Components tab of Web Dynpro Component.
- Go to View OVS_V->Properties tab->Define or Include Used Controllers/ Components of OVS.
- Go to View OVS_V->Context tab
- Create node N1.
- Create one attribute PERNR of type NUM8(NUMC -8)
- Select Input Help mode as Object Value Selector
- Select OVS Component usage OVS_PERNR from F4 help.
- Go to View OVS_V->Layout tab->Create one input and bind it with node N1 attribute PERNR.
- Go to View OVS_V->Methods tab->Give method name as OVS_ON_FIELD, method type Event Handler and Select Event OVS of Component Usage OVS_PERNR from F4 help as shown in the figure.
- Double click on OVS_ON_FIELD method->Below code is auto generated.
- Auto Generated code
method OVS_SS . * declare data structures for the fields to be displayed and * for the table columns of the selection list, if necessary types: begin of lty_stru_input, * add fields for the display of your search input here field1 type string, end of lty_stru_input. types: begin of lty_stru_list, * add fields for the selection list here column1 type string, end of lty_stru_list. data: ls_search_input type lty_stru_input, lt_select_list type standard table of lty_stru_list, ls_text type wdr_name_value, lt_label_texts type wdr_name_value_list, lt_column_texts type wdr_name_value_list, lv_window_title type string, lv_group_header type string, lv_table_header type string. field-symbols:type lty_stru_input, type lty_stru_list. case ovs_callback_object->phase_indicator. when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_0. "configuration phase, may be omitted * in this phase you have the possibility to define the texts, * if you do not want to use the defaults (DDIC-texts) ls_text-name = `FIELD1`. "must match a field name of search ls_text-value = `MYTEXT`. "wd_assist->get_text( `001` ). insert ls_text into table lt_label_texts. ls_text-name = `COLUMN1`. "must match a field in list structure ls_text-value = `MYTEXT2`. "wd_assist->get_text( `002` ). insert ls_text into table lt_column_texts. * lv_window_title = wd_assist->get_text( `003` ). * lv_group_header = wd_assist->get_text( `004` ). * lv_table_header = wd_assist->get_text( `005` ). ovs_callback_object->set_configuration( label_texts = lt_label_texts column_texts = lt_column_texts group_header = lv_group_header window_title = lv_window_title table_header = lv_table_header col_count = 2 row_count = 20 ). when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_1. "set search structure and defaults * In this phase you can set the structure and default values * of the search structure. If this phase is omitted, the search * fields will not be displayed, but the selection table is * displayed directly. * Read values of the original context (not necessary, but you * may set these as the defaults). A reference to the context * element is available in the callback object. ovs_callback_object->context_element->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_search_input ). * pass the values to the OVS component ovs_callback_object->set_input_structure( input = ls_search_input ). when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_2. * If phase 1 is implemented, use the field input for the * selection of the table. * If phase 1 is omitted, use values from your own context. if ovs_callback_object->query_parameters is not bound. ******** TODO exception handling endif. assign ovs_callback_object->query_parameters->* to . if not is assigned. ******** TODO exception handling endif. * call business logic for a table of possible values * lt_select_list = ??? ovs_callback_object->set_output_table( output = lt_select_list ). when if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_3. * apply result if ovs_callback_object->selection is not bound. ******** TODO exception handling endif. assign ovs_callback_object->selection->* to . if is assigned. * ovs_callback_object->context_element->set_attribute( * name = `COLUMN1` * value = -column1 ). * or * ovs_callback_object->context_element->set_static_attributes( * static_attributes = ). endif. endcase. endmethod.
METHOD ovs_on_field . TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_stru_list, * add fields for the selection list here pernr TYPE pa0002-pernr, nachn TYPE pa0002-nachn, vorna TYPE pa0002-vorna, END OF lty_stru_list. DATA: lt_select_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lty_stru_list, ls_text TYPE wdr_name_value, lt_label_texts TYPE wdr_name_value_list, lt_column_texts TYPE wdr_name_value_list. FIELD-SYMBOLS:TYPE lty_stru_list. CASE ovs_callback_object->phase_indicator. WHEN if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_0. "configuration phase, may be omitted WHEN if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_1. "set search structure and defaults WHEN if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_2. * If phase 1 is implemented, use the field input for the * selection of the table. * If phase 1 is omitted, use values from your own context. * call business logic for a table of possible values SELECT pernr nachn vorna FROM pa0002 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_select_list UP TO 200 ROWS. ovs_callback_object->set_output_table( output = lt_select_list ). WHEN if_wd_ovs=>co_phase_3. * apply result ASSIGN ovs_callback_object->selection->* TO . IF IS ASSIGNED. ovs_callback_object->context_element->set_static_attributes( static_attributes = ). ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD.
- Run the Web Dynpro Application.
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well done, many thanks for that!!!