Saturday, December 18, 2010
As we can not see Appraisal tables(HRHAP*) data using SE16 transaction code, We can use the following program to check the program.
Standard program RHHAP_DISPLAY_DB is used to check Appraisal Document data.
REPORT zappraisal_tables NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING . "Declarations. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* "variable *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: g_table TYPE ddobjname, i_table TYPE REF TO data. TYPES: t_dfies TYPE dfies. DATA: w_dfies TYPE t_dfies. DATA: i_dfies TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_dfies. "Field symbols FIELD-SYMBOLS: <it_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. " ALV Declarations * Types Pools TYPE-POOLS: slis. " Types TYPES: t_fieldcat_d TYPE lvc_s_fcat, t_events TYPE slis_alv_event, t_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv. " Workareas DATA: w_fieldcat_d TYPE t_fieldcat_d, w_events TYPE t_events, w_layout TYPE t_layout. " Internal Tables DATA: i_fieldcat_d TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_fieldcat_d, i_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_events. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* " selection-screen *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE f_title1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT (15) text_003 FOR FIELD table. PARAMETERS :table TYPE rsrd1-tbma_val OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN POSITION 1. PARAMETERS: alv_list RADIOBUTTON GROUP list USER-COMMAND list DEFAULT 'X'. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT (20) text_001 FOR FIELD alv_list. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN POSITION 1. PARAMETERS : alv_grid RADIOBUTTON GROUP list. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT (20) text_002 FOR FIELD alv_grid. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* "Initialization *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION. f_title1 = 'Report Category'. text_001 = 'ALV List'. text_002 = 'ALV Grid'. text_003 = 'Table Name'. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* "Start-of-selection. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION. " Get Table information given on Selection-screen. g_table = table. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_NAMETAB_GET' EXPORTING tabname = g_table TABLES dfies_tab = i_dfies. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. "Build fieldcatalog to create Dynamic Internal table LOOP AT i_dfies INTO w_dfies. w_fieldcat_d-fieldname = w_dfies-fieldname. w_fieldcat_d-tabname = table. w_fieldcat_d-ref_table = table. APPEND w_fieldcat_d TO i_fieldcat_d. CLEAR w_fieldcat_d. ENDLOOP. "Create Dynamic Internal table for the DB table given on Selection-screen. CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table EXPORTING it_fieldcatalog = i_fieldcat_d IMPORTING ep_table = i_table. "Assign dynamic table to field-symbol ASSIGN i_table->* TO <it_table>. "Get Data from Database table . SELECT * FROM (table) INTO TABLE <it_table> UP TO 20 ROWS. ENDIF. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* "End-of-selection. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* END-OF-SELECTION. "Build layout structure w_layout-zebra = 'X'. w_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. "Build events table w_events-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'. w_events-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'. APPEND w_events TO i_events. CLEAR w_events. "Display data using ALV GRID PERFORM display_data. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form display_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM display_data . DATA: l_program TYPE sy-repid, l_structure TYPE dd02l-tabname, l_function TYPE rs38l-name. l_program = sy-repid. l_structure = table. IF alv_list = 'X'. l_function = 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'. ELSEIF alv_grid = 'X'. l_function = 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION l_function EXPORTING i_callback_program = l_program i_structure_name = l_structure is_layout = w_layout it_events = i_events TABLES t_outtab = <it_table> EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " display_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form top_of_page *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM top_of_page. DATA : i_header TYPE slis_t_listheader, w_header LIKE LINE OF i_header. w_header-typ = 'H'. CONCATENATE 'Table' ':' table INTO w_header-info. APPEND w_header TO i_header. CLEAR w_header. w_header-typ = 'H'. WRITE sy-datum TO w_header-info. APPEND w_header TO i_header. CLEAR w_header. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING it_list_commentary = i_header i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO'. ENDFORM. "top_of_page
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