Friday, March 14, 2014
When we create Talent groups through upload programs
- Create Talent Group: Need to create Talent Group object using function module RH_INSERT_INFTY.
- Upload Talent Group Description. We use two main function modules to store comments (1) SDOK_LOIO_CREATE_WITH_PHIO (2) SDOK_PHIO_STORE_CONTENT. Once comments for Talent Group is stored, we have to create entry in HRP7420 table. Use function module RH_INSERT_INFTY_EXP to insert record. This table should contain Talent group object ID and comments information such as hrp7420-description_id and hrp7420-descr_class.
PERFORM upload_talent_group_description USING gs_data-description CHANGING ls_hrp7420-description_id ls_hrp7420-descr_class gs_data-remarks.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form upload_talent_group_description *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_LS_HRP7420_DESCRIPTION_ID text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM upload_talent_group_description USING pv_content CHANGING pv_description_id TYPE p7420-description_id pv_descr_class TYPE p7420-descr_class pc_remarks TYPE text150. "Structures DATA: ls_kpro_loio_property TYPE sdokpropty, ls_kpro_phio_property TYPE sdokpropty, ls_phio_object_id TYPE sdokobject, ls_file_info TYPE sdokfilaci. "Internal tables DATA: lt_kpro_loio_properties TYPE TABLE OF sdokpropty, lt_kpro_phio_properties TYPE TABLE OF sdokpropty, lt_file_content_ascii TYPE TABLE OF sdokcntasc, lt_file_info TYPE TABLE OF sdokfilaci. "Variables DATA: lv_is_ok TYPE boole_d, lv_dummy_msg TYPE symsg, lv_ex_text TYPE string, lv_language TYPE spras, lv_kpro_phio_class_name TYPE sdok_phcl, lv_output_binary_length TYPE i, lv_docu_id TYPE sdok_docid, lv_class TYPE sdok_locl, lv_ok TYPE boole_d. "Ref Classes DATA: go_message_handler_att TYPE REF TO cl_hrbas_message_list. "Constants CONSTANTS: lc_text_loio_class_name_part TYPE string VALUE 'TXT'. lv_kpro_phio_class_name = 'TXT_PHIO1'. pv_descr_class = 'TXT_LOIO1'. CREATE OBJECT go_message_handler_att. CALL METHOD cl_hrtmc_document_utils=>get_new_id EXPORTING iv_document_type = 'COMMENT' IMPORTING ev_document_class = lv_class ev_document_id = lv_docu_id ev_is_ok = lv_ok. " logical class properties ls_kpro_loio_property-name = 'ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE'. ls_kpro_loio_property-value = sy-langu. INSERT ls_kpro_loio_property INTO TABLE lt_kpro_loio_properties. " physical class properties ls_kpro_phio_property-name = 'STORAGE_CATEGORY'. ls_kpro_phio_property-value = 'HCM_TMC_CT'. INSERT ls_kpro_phio_property INTO TABLE lt_kpro_phio_properties. ls_kpro_phio_property-name = 'LANGUAGE'. ls_kpro_phio_property-value = sy-langu. INSERT ls_kpro_phio_property INTO TABLE lt_kpro_phio_properties. " create new loio with phio DATA lv_loio_unique_id TYPE sdokloio-loio_id. lv_loio_unique_id = lv_docu_id. CALL FUNCTION 'SDOK_LOIO_CREATE_WITH_PHIO' EXPORTING loio_class = pv_descr_class phio_class = 'TXT_PHIO1' loio_unique_id = lv_loio_unique_id IMPORTING phio_object_id = ls_phio_object_id TABLES loio_properties = lt_kpro_loio_properties phio_properties = lt_kpro_phio_properties EXCEPTIONS missing_class = 1 bad_class = 2 missing_properties = 3 bad_relations = 4 bad_properties = 5 not_authorized = 6 duplicate_object_id = 7 bad_storage_type = 8 exception_in_exit = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 1. pc_remarks = 'Missing Class'. EXIT. WHEN 2. pc_remarks = 'Bad Class'. EXIT. WHEN 3. pc_remarks = 'Missing Properties'. EXIT. WHEN 4. pc_remarks = 'Bad Relationship'. EXIT. WHEN 5. pc_remarks = 'Bad Properties'. EXIT. WHEN 6. pc_remarks = 'Not Authorized'. EXIT. WHEN 7. pc_remarks = 'Duplicate Object ID'. EXIT. WHEN 8. pc_remarks = 'Bad Storage Type'. EXIT. WHEN 9. pc_remarks = 'Exception in Exit'. EXIT. ENDCASE. ENDIF. pv_description_id = lv_loio_unique_id. " Prepare content CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_STRING_TO_FTEXT' EXPORTING text = pv_content IMPORTING length = lv_output_binary_length TABLES ftext_tab = lt_file_content_ascii. " Isert file information to the physical content/file ls_file_info-file_size = lv_output_binary_length. ls_file_info-binary_flg = abap_false. APPEND ls_file_info TO lt_file_info. " Store comment CALL FUNCTION 'SDOK_PHIO_STORE_CONTENT' EXPORTING object_id = ls_phio_object_id raw_mode = abap_false TABLES file_content_ascii = lt_file_content_ascii file_access_info = lt_file_info EXCEPTIONS not_existing = 1 not_allowed = 2 not_authorized = 3 no_content = 4 bad_storage_type = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 1. pc_remarks = 'Not Existing'. EXIT. WHEN 2. pc_remarks = 'Not Allowed'. EXIT. WHEN 3. pc_remarks = 'Not Authorized'. EXIT. WHEN 4. pc_remarks = 'No Content'. EXIT. WHEN 5. pc_remarks = 'Bad Storage Type'. EXIT. WHEN 6. pc_remarks = 'Un Identified Error' . EXIT. ENDCASE. ELSE. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " upload_talent_group_description
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