Friday, April 27, 2012
- Use SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT function module to make use of SELECT-OPTIONS easier on the selection screen.
- This function module simplifies the handling of SELECT-OPTIONS on the selection screen by restricting possible selection options and signs. By calling this function module, you can restrict the number of selectio options available for the chosen selection field. You can also disable the function allowing users to enter values to be excluded from the selection (SIGN = 'E'). The set of options (and signs) listed here can be extended for the 'multiple selection' screen.
- Call function module at INITIALIZATION event.
REPORT test_restrict_so. TYPE-POOLS:sscr. TABLES : pa0001. "Selection-screen SELECT-OPTIONS : s_pernr FOR pa0001-pernr. "Types TYPES: ty_so_restrict TYPE sscr_restrict, ty_so_opt_list TYPE sscr_opt_list, ty_sscr_ass TYPE sscr_ass. "Work areas DATA: wa_so_restrict TYPE ty_so_restrict, wa_so_opt_list TYPE ty_so_opt_list, wa_sscr_ass TYPE ty_sscr_ass. "Internal tables DATA: it_so_restrict TYPE ty_so_restrict, it_so_opt_list TYPE ty_so_opt_list. INITIALIZATION. wa_so_opt_list-name = 'OBJECTKEY1'. wa_so_opt_list-options-eq = 'X'. wa_so_opt_list-options-bt = 'X'. APPEND wa_so_opt_list TO it_so_restrict-opt_list_tab. wa_sscr_ass-kind = 'S'. wa_sscr_ass-name = 'S_PERNR'. wa_sscr_ass-sg_main = 'I'. wa_sscr_ass-sg_addy = space. wa_sscr_ass-op_main = 'OBJECTKEY1'. APPEND wa_sscr_ass TO it_so_restrict-ass_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT' EXPORTING restriction = it_so_restrict EXCEPTIONS too_late = 1 repeated = 2 selopt_without_options = 3 selopt_without_signs = 4 invalid_sign = 5 empty_option_list = 6 invalid_kind = 7 repeated_kind_a = 8 OTHERS = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF.
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