Saturday, March 3, 2012
Service Calls
A service call is used to call an existing function module or methods of an existing class within a Web Dynpro component.
Service Call Wizard
To create a service call, you have an easy-to-use wizard at your disposal within the Web Dynpro tools in the ABAP Workbench.
Service calls types
- RFC's / BAPI's
- Methods
- Web Services
The use of a service call is in no way different from the use of a manually created method of the controller.
Service Call for BAPI
We will create a Web Dynpro component ZOVH_SERVICE_CALL_BAPI_01 with one view SER_CALL_V. The view contains input field for Employee number. When you give input and press ENTER, OnEnter event for input field which triggers a search event and a table, in which the result list from the search is displayed. The component controller context refers to a BAPI structure and contains a service call for this BAPI (method EXECUTE_BAPI_ADDREMPSG_GETDETA). The component controller context structure is mapped to the view context of SER_CALL_V whereas the UI layout elements are bound to the context elements of the view.
Steps to implement Service call for BAPI
- Create Web Dynpro component and Save it as local object.
- Right click on Web Dynpro component create Service Call.
- Start Service call wizard and follow the steps mentioned in the following screen shot
- Select Controller - Existing controller - > Select from F4
- Choose Service Type as Function Module
- Give RFC or BAPI Function module name
- Select Context nodes and attributes from function module IMPORTING, CHANGING and EXPORTING parameters.
- Specify the name of the method.
- Context of the Component controller->ADDRESS node will have 0..n cardinality automatically.
- Go to View Context ->Map Component Controller context to View Context.
- Change ROOTUIELEMENTCONTAINER layout type to MatrixLayout.
- Create input field for EMPLOYEENUMBER and Bind with context attribute in the following way. Change label Layout to MatrixHeadData and input Layout to MatrixData.
- Create Transparent Container and Insert Table UI element inside the container. Transparent Container Layout Data property to MatrixHeadData .
- Bind ADDRESS context node to Table UI element.
- Create OnEnter event on Input field EMPLOYEENUMBER.
- Code
method ONACTIONGET_ADDRESS_DATA . DATA lo_componentcontroller TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller . lo_componentcontroller = wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ). lo_componentcontroller->execute_bapi_addrempsg_getdeta( ). endmethod.
- Create Web Dynpro Application and Save as Local object.
- Run Web Dynpro Application.
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