Monday, March 26, 2012
- Create Web Dynpro Component with Window and View(Automatically View is embedded into Window).
- Define Component Use ALV for the Used component SALV_WD_TABLE under Used Components tab of Web Dynpro Component.
- Go to Component Controller COMPONENTCONTROLLER
- Properties tab->Define or Include Used Controllers/ Components of ALV.
- Context tab->Create PA0002 node with cardinality 0..n.
- Context tab->Create TOP_OF_LIST node with attribute CONTENT (type ref to CL_SALV_FORM_ELEMENT)
- Context tab-> Map node TOP_OF_LIST of ALV Component context to TOP_OF_LIST of Component Controller.
- Methods tab->Write the code in WDDOINIT to populate data in ALV and creating TOP_OF_LIST.
- WDDOINIT method code
METHOD wddoinit . wd_this->get_pa0002_data( ). wd_this->create_top_of_list( ). ENDMETHOD.
METHOD get_pa0002_data . DATA lo_nd_pa0002 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lt_pa0002 TYPE wd_this->elements_pa0002. "Navigate from <context> to <pa0002> via lead selection lo_nd_pa0002 = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_pa0002 ). SELECT * FROM pa0002 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_pa0002 UP TO 20 ROWS. lo_nd_pa0002->bind_table( new_items = lt_pa0002 set_initial_elements = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD.
METHOD create_top_of_list. DATA lo_nd_top_of_list TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node. DATA lo_el_top_of_list TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element. DATA ls_top_of_list TYPE wd_this->element_top_of_list. DATA:lr_grid TYPE REF TO cl_salv_form_layout_grid. * TOP-OF-LIST **...create top grid CREATE OBJECT lr_grid EXPORTING columns = 5. *... fill 1. row lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 1 column = 1 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 1,1' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 1 column = 2 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 1,2' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 1 column = 3 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 1,3' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 1 column = 4 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 1,4' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 1 column = 5 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 1,5' ). *...fill 2nd row lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 2 column = 1 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 2,1' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 2 column = 2 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 2,2' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 2 column = 3 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 2,3' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 2 column = 4 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 2,4' ). lr_grid->create_text( EXPORTING row = 2 column = 5 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 text = 'Cell 2,5' ). "Navigate from <context> to <top_of_list> via lead selection lo_nd_top_of_list = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_top_of_list ). "pass TOL to context node lo_nd_top_of_list = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'TOP_OF_LIST' ). lo_el_top_of_list = lo_nd_top_of_list->get_element( index = 1 ). CALL METHOD lo_el_top_of_list->set_attribute EXPORTING value = lr_grid name = 'CONTENT'. ENDMETHOD.
- Go to INTERFACECONTROLLER_USAGE of ALV->Map Context node PA0002 of component controller to DATAof ALV Interface Controller.
- Go to window ALV_TOL_W->Embed TABLE view of SALV_WD_TABLE component in window as shown in the screen.
- Activate Web Dynpro component.
- Create Web Dynpro Application and save it as local object.
- Run the web dynpro application
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