Sunday, January 29, 2012
Web Dynpro is the SAP NetWeaver programming model for user interfaces (UIs).
The Web Dynpro model is based on the Model View Controller paradigm.
- Metamodel Concept
- Graphical Development Tools
- Separation of Business and Application Logic
- Conversion of the Model-View-Controller Programming Model
MVC Prgramming Model:
Every Web Dynpro application is structured according to the Model View Controller programming model:
- The model forms the interface to the back end system and thus enables the Web Dynpro application access to data.
- The view is responsible for the representation of the data in the browser.
- The controller lies between the view and the model. The controller formats the model data to be displayed in the view, processes the user entries made by the user, and returns them to the model.
*NOTE: If picture is not visible, please click on the picture and view in large.
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Well Explained to the point