Wednesday, December 22, 2010
For demo programs on Smart Forms, Check development class or Package : SMART.

Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms

Program SF_EXAMPLE_01: Printing of documents using Smart Forms

Totals in Smartform

Program SF_TOTALS : This report calls two smart forms (SF_TOTALS or SF_SUBTOTALS) that demonstrate how to calculate and display totals of values with different currencies. The forms mentioned contain both the old table type and the new table type.

Send Form and Graphics by E-Mail

Program SF_XSF_DEMO_MAIL: This demo program produces HTML data and corresponding graphics, creates a multipart/related message and sends it as e-mail.

Report for migrating SAPscript forms

Program SF_MIGRATE: This report lets the user select the language and the name(s) of those SAPscript forms that should be migrated into SAP Smart Forms.In case of a valid selection, the function module FB_MIGRATE_FORM will be called (via the subroutine CALL_FB_MIGRATE_FORM) for each specified SAPscript form.

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