Tuesday, December 21, 2010
CALCULATE_DATE Calculates the future date based on the input .
DATE_TO_DAY Returns the Day for the entered date.
DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Returns weekday for a date
DATE_GET_WEEK Returns week for a date
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add days / months to a date
DAY_ATTRIBUTES_GET Returns attributes for a range of dates specified
MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES To get the number of months between the two dates.
END_OF_MONTH_DETERMINE_2 Determines the End of a Month.
HR_HK_DIFF_BT_2_DATES Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
MONTH_NAMES_GET Get the names of the month
WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY Get the first day of the week
HRGPBS_HESA_DATE_FORMAT Format the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
SD_CALC_DURATION_FROM_DATETIME Find the difference between two date/time and report the difference in hours
L_MC_TIME_DIFFERENCE Find the time difference between two date/time
HR_99S_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_DATES Difference between two dates in days, weeks, months
LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Returns the last day of the month
DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY Check for the invalid date.
DATE_2D_TO_4D_CONVERSION Year entry: 2-character to 4-character.
DAY_IN_WEEK Input date and will give the name of the day 1-monday,2-Tuesday....
SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE Give the difference in Days and Time for 2 dates

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